San Francisco California

255 Potrero Ave San Francisco CA 94103

(650) 587-1332

Despite all the advances in healthcare and technology as well as the generally higher quality of life, substance abuse is more prevalent now than ever before.

This worrying trend has many causes. But the bottom line is that more Americans than ever are struggling to keep their lives intact in the face of serious substance abuse.

Addiction is one of the most insidious diseases there is. It is one of the only diseases that has the astonishing feature of completely eliminating most sufferers’ insight into their own condition. Addiction is able to rewire the brain of those who suffer from it, convincing them that there’s nothing amiss in their rapidly deteriorating lives. This can prove to be a formidable obstacle to recovery. The most important step that anyone can take in the beginning of the recovery process from addiction is recognizing that there is a problem at all.

Luckily, for those addiction sufferers who do come to grips with the nature of their own illness, there are more effective options for successfully attaining lasting sobriety today than at any time in history. Among the best of those options is our drug rehab center in San Francisco, California.

Using a time-tested and evidenced-based approach, our addiction recovery program in San Francisco is able to achieve phenomenally high rates of permanent recovery for our clients. In this article, we’ll take a brief look at what a substance abuse treatment facility in our network can offer.

Detoxification is the big hurdle

There’s no question that after someone suffering from drug abuse has recognized their problem and decided to correct it, the next most difficult hurdle to sobriety at any addiction treatment facility is the detoxification process.

Detox involves completely ridding the body of all drugs of abuse. This usually entails withdrawal symptoms. The withdrawal process for some drugs is typically mild whereas, for others it can be severe. What’s important to know is that our trained and professional staff is there to guide our client through every step. Hayden Recovery has the talent and the facilities in our drug detox clinic to handle the most challenging cases of detoxification.

Finding any hidden mental conditions

One of the most important aspects of treating substance abuse is figuring out what the root causes of the problem are. The underlying causes of the substance abuse are complex.

Research has shown that up to half of all people suffering from substance abuse in the United States have serious underlying mental conditions. These can include things like undiagnosed schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, hyperactivity and other disorders and many others. The takeaway is that the addiction of these clients tends to be considerably different from those who may be engaging in, for example, excessive social drinking.

Because there are now well-established and effective treatments for most serious mental conditions, it is crucial that if the client is suffering from any of these, they are identified and treated. This discovery of underlying mental disorders in the context of addiction treatment is referred to by psychologists as dual diagnosis. And it is one of the key factors in designing successful treatment programs.

A community-based treatment model

Our drug rehab facility in San Francisco operates on what’s known as a community-based treatment model. Dozens of studies have shown that an addiction recovery center fosters strong bonds between individual clients, as well as between clients and staff. This is the most effective means of achieving lasting addiction recovery.

The addiction recovery facility in San Francisco, California is staffed with friendly and experienced experts. Our addiction treatment center, through its use of community-based treatment, provides the highest chances of a lasting recovery.